raised garden bed benches on Karl-August-Platz in Berlin-Charlottenburg

In the raised bed lab in the BHR OX bauhaus reuse on the central area of Ernst-Reuter-Platz, raised beds with seating, compost and exhibition space are being created for Karl-August-Platz in Charlottenburg as a project of the Kiezkultur AG. Following the sustainability concept, we are building a prototype based on my design with as much waste wood as possible, together with Kaya Triebler and Kunigunde Berberich, who are also involved in the Kiezkultur group of the neighborhood initiative Karl-August-Kiez_lebenswert.
The main function of the garden bed built on a pallet is urban gardening, the cultivation of vegetables and cereals, wildflowers and dye plants in a quarter with dense development and few parks, which we sorely miss, especially in this pandemic. The plants are selected in exchange with the neighbours. In addition, the raised beds are also designed as a place of encounter and tranquility. Hence the attached folding bench. Under the bench there is space for garden tools or compost, so that the raised bed ideally supplies itself with humus-rich soil. At the back of the raised bed there are 3 m high robinia posts, which on the one hand suggest a feeling of forest, on the other hand offer the opportunity to install exhibitions and visualize neighbourly exchange.
When pandemic and administration permissions allow, three more beds will be built and planted directly on the square as a community action. During the temporary closure of the Krumme Strasse adjacent to Karl-August-Platz the raised beds will be part of the accompanying art activities. The project is funded by the project fund # 2030 of the local Education for Sustainable Development department.